Juan Terre, PhD
Director of the Structural Heart and Valve Program

Dr. Juan Terré joined the Tulane University School of Medicine Section of Cardiology in 2022 as an Associate Professor of Medicine (pending). He is serving as Director of the Structural Heart & Valve program at the Tulane University School of Medicine.
Dr. Terré completed his training at The Mount Sinai Hospital/Ichan School of Medicine in New York City, in both complex coronary and structural heart disease interventions. Afterward, Dr. Terré joined Columbia University Medical Center in New York City, where he trained and worked as Instructor of Medicine for two additional years, dedicated to both acquired structural heart disease and adult congenital heart disease interventions.
Dr. Terré's focus is transcatheter minimally invasive interventions for acquired structural heart disease (TAVR, TMVR, TTVR, PVL Closure), adult congenital heart disease (TTVR, TPVR, ASD closure, VSD closure) and stroke prevention interventions (PFO/LAAO) and complex coronary interventions (3 V CAD, low ejection fraction and LV support devices).