Agnieszka Nance


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Agnieszka Nance is the Executive Director for the Center for Public Service (CPS) at Tulane. She joined Tulane University in 2005 as faculty in the Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies. She became associated with CPS in 2007 to support its efforts in faculty development.

Currently at CPS, Agnieszka directs an office with over twenty employees to help ensure that Tulane fulfills its mission of public and community engagement.

In 2004, Nance received her Ph.D. in Germanic Studies at the University of Texas at Austin. Before moving to the United States, she lived and studied in Warsaw and Vienna, earning a Magister degree in Germanistik.

Agnieszka serves as co-PI on several research and grant programs for the Center, ranging from AmeriCorps VISTA program to organizing institutes for young international leaders, participating in academic exchanges with national and international universities.

Agnieszka Nance serves as the Treasurer and Board Member of the International Association for Research on Service Learning and Community Engagement  as well as on the National Advisory Board for Public Service at Harvard College. She is also involved in the Place Based Justice Network, Campus Compact, and TRUCEN.

On campus, she is the co-Chair of the campus-wide Coalition on Civic Engagement, member of Team Equity and the Leadership Educators Collective.