Fallon Goodson
Sky Hardison
In Ceremony Productions is a female-owned and locally-based production company that aims to empower women both in front and behind the camera as well as build a sustainable entertainment industry whose success is not dependent on the presence of out-of-state productions. Our mission is to help fund and produce content in a way that is both fiscally responsible and involves minimum-to-no job outsourcing out-of-state. We want to create and be known for the idea of responsible production, in which the entire process from beginning to end is well thought out from both a creative and business standpoint. The larger picture we see is a subscription-based platform whose niche is focused on fueling the Louisiana economy through a thriving film industry as well as supporting female filmmakers who live here. So far, we have produced three short films and are working on funding our first two features. Both of these features have female directors and writers.
Why Startup Team Mentoring? "We are seeking mentoring on streamlining the company business plan and then breaking it down into actionable steps so that we have more product to build an audience. Also getting a game plan together on how we can find investment resources would be a huge asset to the growth of our company."
Mentoring Team: Jennifer Jeansonne, Dan Engel, Kelly Cahn